Sekans Cinema Group was established by a group of individuals passionate about the "7th art" and believe that the love of cinema is, in fact, a way of life.


Although accepted by many as a means of entertainment, we believe that cinema must be considered as multi-dimensional in its function in the consumer society in which we live today. Cinema is not just an art in and of itself; it is an audio-visual language which is an infinite source of data and information.


The main activity is to offer courses in fields related to cinema. We place importance on our training activities because we believe that knowledge and education is the only means of enriching cinema and our contribution.


The Group offers short courses in fields related to cinema throughout the year:

  • Introduction to Cinema
    • Scriptwriting
    • Cinematography
    • Montage
    • Digital cinema
  • Movements in Cinema
  • History from the Perspective of Cinema
  • Film Critique Techniques and Critical Writing Workshop

Classes are open to all and are held in Ankara. For more information, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Our main objective is to strengthen the love for film and to ensure the development of cinema culture. With our publications, productions, resources, training and events, we hope to contribute to the demands of those in the cinema sector and also the social and cultural needs of film-lovers.


We hunger for the sound of the reel; the magical sound in the darkness.
All our days we devote to such light and sound...